Haiti Relief ProjectsWe have several projects in the planning stages, including:
Food for Haiti Now![]() Food For Haiti Now Join our "group effort" to help Haiti!!! BonaResponds Feed Haiti Project 17ยข a Meal...Help us feed 100,000 people in Haiti! We need your help - we are preparing to launch a project that will feed 100,000 people. What can you do to help? Bake sale, charity game, walk-a-thon, penny drive, you name it... and we would love your help! The cost of a family going out to a restaurant ONE TIME is enough to feed a family of SIX for an entire MONTH. Please contact us for more information. To send $, please make checks payable to "BonaResponds" with "Haiti" in the memo and mail to BonaResponds, Box BY, St. Bonaventure NY 14778 We are working out the details with Impact Lives and Food for the Poor to run a full food packing event where we prepare the boxes of food in a major one-day event and have the food distributed through Food for the Poor in Haiti. If for some reason we are unable to hold the event, all money donated will be given directly to Food for the Poor. Better Health for Haiti"A unique project to provide health education opportunities for the Haitian people through entertaining songs and videos in Haitian Creole.... " |
![]() Collection of Crutches and Tents With all of the recent amputations and other injuries, the people of Haiti are in desperate need of crutches, canes and walkers. Tents are also needed!! We have contacts in Haiti ready and anxious to receive this donated equipment. Please help! Please check your attics, garages, basements... ask friends, relatives, neighbors... You can drop off crutches, walkers, canes, and tents at
Click here for a printable flyer to share! You can also donate a tent directly to aHomeinHaiti.org on their website! Some important links for those interested in volunteering:CDC Guidance for Relief Workers Traveling to HaitiEmbassy of the United States in Port-au-Prince Haiti HODR - Hands On Disaster Response Bonaventure -- Haiti -- Response |