Donate to BonaResponds

Joining us as a volunteer is by far the best contribution you can make to BonaResponds. We would love to have you join us on projects! But, we know that's not always possible, and there are other ways to help too.

Without you, BonaResponds is just a good idea. Volunteer and Change the World!!

General Donations to BonaResponds

Funds go to projects where the Bona Community is directly involved.

Donations for Disaster Relief

Funds go to projects BonaResponds is connected to, but ones we're working on from afar.

BonaResponds will be sending money via PositiveRipples. St. Bonaventure has decided that they can not process checks or online deposits for relief efforts as it does not fit with their mission. PositiveRipples is a newly formed 501c3 that will be used to collect and send money to the same groups that BonaResponds has shared a long history.

St. Bonaventure University

Note: you can only donate here using a computer (not phone)

You can also mail a donation:

Box BY
St. Bonaventure NY 14778

Tax ID #16-0743150


You can also mail a donation:

P.O. Box 132
Allegany NY 14706

Did you know? You can make a donation in someone's name to BonaResponds. This may make the perfect gift for someone who "has everything" or may be a special way to honor someone. If your donation is to be made in someone's name, click the link below and we'll provide you with a special card you can give that acknowledges the donation.

Click here for a donation card.